And he was quite right …
That single act unleashed the economic and industrial might of the United States. This potential was waiting there … dormant and untapped … until that fateful wake up call arrived.
And think … if it had not, would we have been prepared for the the Cold War? Would we have been able to “contain” the murderous scourge of Communism if that enormous potential had remained dormant?
I believe Covid-19 could be the Pearl Harbor moment that unleashes the dormant power of humanity itself.
A dormant power that must be unleashed to face a far greater threat to our existence than this virus.
I call it “The Transition Tribulation.”
I’ve been talking about this phenomenon for many years now. I predicted for years it was inevitable and it is now clearly upon us.
3 weeks before “the week that changed the world” I explained this in great detail in my latest book Your Roadmap to Money in the 2020s (see below for free download – but first, read on) …
It is with no pleasure or pride that I take credit for this.
My aim is to get you learning forward … to wake up … to be prepared …
Something far more dangerous looms on the horizon.
Do I have your attention?
For the sake of the ones you love, I hope so …
Even after we resolve the Covid-19 crisis, I predict this “new normal” (and potentially far worse) will soon return.
When I first predicted “The Transition Tribulation” it was met with derision.
But I was met with the same derision in the tech press when I launched the first ebook publishing company.
“No one wants to read ebooks”, one pundit said.
Now ebooks out-sell print books.
I was met with similar derision when I invented a little device called “the tracking pixel.”
“It’s a cute but inconsequential invention,” chimed in one critic.
Today whenever anyone logs on to the Internet they interact with many of these “inconsequential” tracking pixels – whether they know it or not.
And this “inconsequential” invention has earned billions of dollars in ad revenue for the likes of Facebook and Google.
My predictions as a futurist have remained consistently accurate and I feel it is my duty to now use the power of that authority to urge everyone now to …