It's funny, isn't it?
How sometimes the simplest tiny things can make such a huge difference?
Like a tiny pill ...
Or a ring on someone's finger.
(It's no coincidence most of the great "objects of power" throughout our history and mythology are tiny objects that grant the bearer unfair advantages and awe-inspiring powers.)
Take Conor McGregor, for example. He was an excellent fighter. But after he started making tiny tweaks to his gorilla-strong striking power and primal movement patterns, he enjoyed being called "the greatest fighter of all time." (He also now enjoys wiping the smug looks off the faces of his former detractors.)
Or how about my friend Russell Brunson who became the hero of his family by learning how to become an Internet entrepreneur? Some tiny shifts were all it took to take him from struggling to running a comfortable 8 figure business. (He's beyond just helping his family now. Heck, he even has his own biohacking lab in the backyard of his sprawling country estate.)
The Little Calendar That Brainwashes You is 5 inches wide. It is compact enough to fit anywhere - even in a secret compartment, if you are so inclined. Yet, it is also handsome enough to be hung proudly inside the classiest top-shelf model homes.
And it's the simplest thing ... it only takes 30 seconds to use. These 30 seconds are such a pleasure, you won't want to stop. But you must ... (we predict you'll enjoy showing off your new powers just as much - if not more - let us know :-)
Over a million people around the world use Simpleology® to double their productivity by simplifying their lives. And we’re trusted by small businesses, Fortune 500s, and branches of the US government alike. So, over the last 12 years we’ve learned a few things about exactly what gets people so "turned on and on fire" that winning the game of life is an inevitable consequence.
We packed the most powerful of those techniques into the Little Calendar. It packs a little wallop of mojo into your life each day you use it. The secret is what we call "the three 3’s”. An elegant combination of the most powerful transformational psychology from days of yore to days anew. (From the ancient and arcane to the newest of the cutting edge.)